Dear Editor,
Well, time again for city elections! Of course, I have some thoughts/opinions to share. First of all, Opelika is unified under the current council and Mayor. Is our council broken? Obviously not, so there is nothing to fix.
Voting against Ward 1 Councilwoman Patsy Jones, who holds the position of Council President Pro-Tem and the prestige the position holds makes no sense. A new councilman for Ward One, would most certainly not keep the position, as it would pass to another more senior councilperson.
The candidates in the Ward 2 race certainly show some diversity, which I guess is good. Two candidates don’t have enough Opelika knowledge for me.  Tiffany Gibson-Pitts, an Auburn High School counselor for the past 11 years and president/CEO of a girl youth program has spent more time working outside of the Opelika City limits than here. Nelson Marsh shows his lack of maturity from the name of his political group “NMPMH” to his campaign slogan “See the Difference” He has even stated he doesn’t want to run for council on his Facebook page.  After the race, watch for him, as he’ll be back. He conveniently left “Ward 2” off his campaign signs.  Oscar Penn, who has run several times seems more a disrupter than a unifier.  So with that said, Larry Gray, the current councilman has provided calm and steady leadership for the ward. As a Ward 2 resident, I’ll be casting my ballot for Larry Gray and would urge my neighbors to do the same.
And what about Mayor Fuller. Well, I’ve lived here since 1997 and watched as he’s helped transform this small southern town into the thriving marketplace it is today. Strong and diverse industry, a busy downtown and regional shopping district, and more reasons to keep him in the Mayor’s chair. Everyone should support in all wards and get out the vote.
Look, a city is never going to make everyone happy. You may be happy about one thing, and unhappy about another, but the overall progress Opelika has made is a benefit to all citizens.  You, me, white, black, young, and old. Stay the course, Opelika.
Jerry Katz
Ward 2