The Observer

Sew passionate

Local woman shares love for quilting

Photo by Robert Noles

Photo by Robert Noles

By Anna-Claire Terry
Staff Reporter

For Carla Humphrey, quilting is more than just a hobby. It is a passion about which she says once one catches “the bug,” they are hooked. Humphrey’s interest in quilting was sparked about 10 years ago. “My sister is the one who caused me to catch the bug,” she said. Living retired life after 25 years of teaching in Lee and Houston counties, Humphrey now has more time to create beautiful quilts that decorate her house and are given as gifts to friends and family.
Her love for quilting now extends beyond her home. Humphrey displays her passion for the world to see on the outside of her barn in the form of an 8 x 8 wooden quilt square painted in vibrant shades of blue, red and yellow. The barn quilt was a handmade Christmas gift from her son and grandchildren. It is Humphrey’s goal to start a barn quilt trail in the Lee County area. The concept of barn quilt trails has spread across 48 states. The trails are created by quilt guilds, civic groups, local arts councils, 4-H clubs, school groups and other organizations. Most trails are county-wide efforts that brings local pride to the area. “They’re for people to come look at, especially other quilters. It also brings people into you community because people come to see the trails,” she said. “It puts your city on the map, as far as a place where quilters would like to come. They bring money to the area because they spend money in your stores and malls and in your restaurants.”
Humphrey said she believes there would be enough interest in a quilt trail to start one right here in Lee County. According to Humphrey, even people who do not quilt like to look at quilts because they are colorful and reminiscent.  “I would be willing to put together a map of where people could come through to see all the quilts,” she said. She has a website,, where those who already have barn quilts or would be interested in building one can reach her.
“If anybody wanted to learn how to quilt, I would be happy to teach them, I’ve taught a lot of people how to sew,” she added. Humphrey said she loves to introduce people to quilting.

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