The Observer

County discusses road policy

By Fred Woods

The Lee County Commission has spent a lot of time discussing roads at recent meetings: resurfacing them, suspension of the dirt road paving program, exceptions to rules and policies, etc. This week’s meeting was no exception.
Following the paving of Lee Road 352 in northeast Lee County, Salem resident Hoyt Walker once again appeared before the commission asking that his road (Lee Road 132 in south-central Lee County) be paved.
Although the paving of Walker’s road had been previously approved by the commission, it had not been accomplished for various reasons. This week provided no progress. Commissioner John Andrew Harris’ motion to pave LR 132 died for lack of a second.
The Lee County Commission suspended the county’s Dirt Road Paving Program during their meeting of Feb. 22, 2010. The motion suspending DRPP also provide that DRPP funds from districts 1-4 be reallocated to the resurfacing program while $113,400 ($67,500, the 2010 cost of paving one mile of road, multiplied by 1.68 miles) was allocated to district 5 to pave roads already promised (Lee Roads 145, 132, 665, 029 and 522). At a subsequent commission meeting a motion to pave LR 132 by prescription with a portion only 13 feet wide passed.
In more pleasant proceedings the commission saw Sheriff Jay Jones and Building and Grounds Maintenance Supervisor Jerry Lynch recognize employees for recent outstanding accomplishments.
Jones recognized Sgt. Tammy Booth for completing and graduating from the FBI National Academy. Booth, of the LSO’s Investigations Division, is a 19-year law enforcement veteran who has served with the LCSO for 15 years. She joins seven other National Academy graduates now serving in Jones’ office.
Booth has the distinction of being the first female law enforcement officer in Lee County to graduate from the prestigious FBI National Academy. Internationally known for its academic excellence, the Academy offers 11 weeks of advanced investigative, management and fitness training for officers having proven records as professionals within their agencies.
Lynch recognized Monica Holloway on the occasion of her December graduation from Troy University with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Holloway, who is instrumental in assuring that Lynch’s office runs smoothly, completed her studies while working full-time and also serving as the single mother of a 12-year-old son and an 8-year-old daughter.
Chairman Bill English recognized Tara Barr, recently appointed chairman of the Lee County Extension Office. Barr is in the process of moving her office from LaFayette to Opelika.
County Administrator Roger Rendleman reported on the county’s acquisition of the old transmission tower on Salem Hill near Salem. The tower and 3.8 acres of land were acquired in November 2014, at a cost of $7,000 and will improve radio communication for the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and the county’s Emergency Management Agency. The report also met the disclosure requirements of new state legislation regarding the purchase of real property by a government entity.
Rendleman also requested several budget adjustments shifting unassigned funds and proceeds from the sale of surplus equipment to specific program needs. He also requested and received approval of two personal service contracts to advise the county on increasing complex issues of personnel law.
The commission also
– scheduled work sessions to follow the next (Jan. 26) meeting on the county’s legislative requests and the proposed county noise ordinance;
– approved several liquor and beer license requests, all located in district 4;
– received a progress report from Government Relations Coordinator Wendy Swann relative to the Coffee at the Courthouse event scheduled for February 4. This ACCA-sponsored event will provide an opportunity for county commissioners from Lee, Chambers and Tallapoosa counties to meet with their legislative delegations and discuss county problems and legislative issues.

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