May 3, 2014
Dear Opelika Utilities Customer,
Federal regulations require that we test our drinking water for a long list of contaminants. They set limits on the amount of contaminants that can be contained in the water supply.
We recently exceeded the limit set for total trihalomethanes (TTHM). Test results received in March of 2014 indicate we exceeded the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for TTHM at our test site at 4900 US 431 North. The MCL for TTHM is .080 mg/l and the test results show an average of 0.083 mg/l.
This is not an immediate risk. If it had been, you would have been notified immediately. Studies have indicated that there is a possible link between consuming water with excess levels of TTHM over many years with increased risks of problems with liver, kidneys or central nervous system and possible increased risk of getting certain forms of cancer. If you have specific health concerns, please consult your physician.
You may recall that you received a similar notice in August and October of 2013 and February of 2014. This letter is a result of the same test in July. The MCL is based on a four quarter average so a single high test value can trigger a MCL violation for several quarters. Test results since July indicate that TTHM levels are well below the MCL. The March test result for the above referenced location was .035 mg/l and the system average was .027 mg/l.
Please be assured that your Opelika Utilities staff constantly strives to supply the highest quality water possible to our customers. We are continually improving your water system in an effort to control contaminants such as total trihalomethanes.
Please share this information with anyone who drinks our water who may not have received this letter directly.
If you have questions, please contact Jeff Bryant at 4055 Water Street, Opelika, AL 36801 or call 334-705-5500. You can visit our website at www. Click on Important News for updates, and please follow us on Twitter @OpelikaWater.
Opelika Utilities