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Lee-Scott elementary school holds Veterans Day program

The Lee-Scott Academy elementary school held its annual VeteFriday, Nov. 11. Each class in grades first through sixth were given a large red or blue star on which the students wrote a note of appreciation for the veterans.

A “Star Wall” display was created on the cafeteria wall by the sixth grade teachers. This is done each year to recognize and honor American veterans.

A special American flag that was flown in Iraq and presented to the school several years ago was flown on the campus, as it is each Veterans Day.

The program began with sixth graders displaying banners with the names of the American Wars printed on them to remind students of the wars in which our veterans have served. The elementary choir, led by Charlotte Lee, sang several patriotic songs, and the audience joined them in singing “God Bless America.” All present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

Spencer Lee spoke to the group discussing the reasons we celebrate Veterans Day and the importance of honoring Americans who have fought to protect our freedom.

The program ended with prayer.

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