Walt Albritton Articles

Alter Call

When you don't know what to do OPINION — We were in our bed. My wife was crying. The excruciating pain of a herniated disc in her back was more than Dean could bear. Not knowing what else to do, I was kissing away her tears, trying to comfort her.Through my own tears,...

Altar Call

Seven things that will never change OPINION — Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is reportedly worth over 200 billion dollars. He credits his success to asking the right questions. Some business leaders ask “What will change over the next 10 years?” They make...

Alter Call | June 27, 2024

He's alive and I'm forgiven OPINION — Jesus died on Friday, so Saturday was a terrible day for those who had loved Jesus. God was silent on that dreadful Saturday. Jesus’ dead body lay in a dark, cold tomb. Hope had been swallowed up by sadness.The frightened...

Alter Call | June 20, 2024

Men Jesus can count on OPINION — Recently a pastor invited me to participate in a remarkable experience in his church on the outskirts of Opelika. Craig Lee is the pastor of the church which for decades was known as Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church. Having...
Alter Call

Alter Call

You give them something to eat OPINION — Jesus was sad. Word had come to him of the beheading of his cousin, John the Baptist, a man he loved and...

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Alter Call

Alter Call

Servants or stars OPINION — Despite his prominent leadership role in the early church, the Apostle Paul was never guilty of pomposity. Not once did...

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Alter Call

Alter Call

Love Means Never Giving Up On Someone OPINION — Bob told me he made a lot of wrong choices growing up. In high school he ignored the curfew hour set...

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Alter Call

Alter Call | May 23, 2024

We all need balcony people OPINION — Rejection is painful. Wrapped in cruelty, it can wound and even destroy relationships. Affirmation, on the...

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Alter Call

Alter Call | May 16, 2024

One Great Romance One of my favorite Bible verses is Revelation 3:20: Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens...

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Alter Call

Alter Call | May 9, 2024

The sound of those crutches OPINION — Now that walking is impossible for me without the use of a walker, it helps to remember friends who endured...

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Alter Call

Jesus changed him

OPINION — The New Testament story of a man named Saul is an awesome example of the life-changing power of Jesus. In the days following the...

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Alter Call

Did you catch any fish?

OPINION — Peter and his brother Andrew were fishermen. One day, when they were busy casting their nets in the Sea of Galilee, Jesus walked by. Jesus...

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