The Observer

Making the Grade: All I Do is BBQ



Two weeks ago, Barbara Patton, my sweet Mama, went to be with the Lord. Overwhelming grief and insomnia have been very difficult. However, I rejoice that Mama is with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is together again with Daddy and will NEVER experience pain anymore. Also, God has brought me comfort and peace through His Word, prayers and sweet, loving people. Please pray for Mike, my family and me. Thank you so much.

In two past columns, I thanked the techs, nurses and doctors at East Alabama Medical Center for taking such wonderful care of Mama. Also, I would like to thank EAMC’s terrific social workers, Brittany and Lynn for being so helpful and compassionate.

Last, I want to thank the amazing staff at Bethany House Hospice (Compassus) in Auburn for taking such loving care of Mama. Phoebe, Dr. Abrams, Q., Tracey, Dawn, Judy, Jennifer, Frances, Susan and others whom I didn’t get to meet, you are certainly in the right profession.


You loved on Mama, did as she asked and made her last two days on Earth comfortable and pain-free; I will always love and appreciate you for that. May God bless these wonderful health care providers. Bethany House Hospice is such a blessing to our community.

Mama, I will miss you every day of my life, as I do Daddy. However, I know that one day, the Lord will call me home, and I will be with you and Daddy forever. It is an honor and a privilege to be your daughter. As our dear friend Dottie Meacham says, “I love you to the moon and back.”

Like my parents, I am from the great state of Alabama; therefore, I am a big fan of Southern cooking. It is my very favorite type of cuisine, obviously. A while back in The Observer, I read about a new place to enjoy the food of my people … All I Do is BBQ at 1625 East University #116 in Auburn.

Boy, was I glad that Mike and I went there a few weeks ago. We met one of the owners, Kimverly Rogers (Her husband Kenzie is co-owner) and Sharon V. Dowdell, Kimverly’s Mama.

Kimverly waits on customers up front and also helps Sharon, who cooks the amazing food. They were wonderful and really made us feel welcome.

Mike ordered the chopped pork sandwich. Remember, Mike rarely eats dinner (lunch). Again, I don’t understand him, but I love him anyway.

I ordered a REAL Southern dinner (lunch): pork ribs, collard greens, mac ‘n cheese and cornbread. Also, I was really excited that All I Do is BBQ serves my favorite beverage in the world: Diet Dr. Pepper. They get extra points for that.

Oh, my two times. Everything was DELICIOUS. My mouthwatering ribs were lean and tender. Also, Mike loved his chopped pork sandwich. In addition, I spoke to some of Lee County’s heroes while we were there. Members of the Lee County Sheriff’s Department arrived before we did, and I asked them how they liked their meals. All of them said everything was great. Sergeant Shelia Threat said, “It was amazing … soothing, comforting and elevating.” There you go. Run and do not walk to All I Do is BBQ.

Besides our delectable dishes, the restaurant offers diners: beef ribs, grilled and baked chicken and fish along with various side dishes. Since I was having blood work done soon for diabetes, I didn’t order dessert, but I was really tempted. All I Do is BBQ serves red velvet, key lime and caramel cakes and sweet potato pie. I hope to jump on one of them next time.

All I Do is BBQ is closed on Sunday. The restaurant is open on Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

All I Do is BBQ makes the grade with an A+ from this retired English teacher. Remember, “Pooh-sized” people NEVER lie about food. Enjoy!

Stacey Patton Wallace, who retired from teaching language arts for 30 years, is a professional diner. Her column, “Making the Grade,” will appear each week in The Observer. Wallace may be reached at

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