Special to the
Opelika Observer
Spring has brought many flowers into bloom at Auburn’s Kreher Preserve and Nature Center Butterfly Garden and the butterflies have noticed! Monarchs, tiger swallowtails, spicebush swallowtails, and many other butterflies are active right now. Come and sit among the flowers and watch – you are sure to see many species of butterflies fluttering all around you.
COVID-19 Update
The Kreher Preserve & Nature Center is open to the public. Use this time to reconnect with the natural world. As a reminder, they are open dawn to dusk – no dogs, no bikes and no smoking.
Nature Minute
Take a minute for nature.
The preserve is launching a Nature Minute series on their YouTube channel. These videos will be five minutes or less and be posted two to three times per week. Their incredible team of volunteers and teachers will share their expertise and experience with videos covering a huge range of topics for all ages, from gardening to birding, recreation to wildlife, how-to videos and everything in between. Feel free to comment on the videos, ask questions, make suggestions and be sure to subscribe to their channel for notifications when new videos are posted.
Woodland Wonders Nature Preschool
At Woodland Wonders Nature Preschool, childhood adventures come to life. They offer classes either Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday and Thursday from 8 to 11:30 a.m. to students that are 3 to 5 years old. Find out more and enroll today at http://aub.ie/woodlandwonders/ or send an email to Sarah Crim, lead teacher, at natureeducation@auburn.edu.
Summer Ecology
Summer Ecology Camps have been rescheduled for July and they will reopen registration beginning May 18.