Public Notice
Vacation of the Old Portion of Lee Road 86 Right-of-Way Lee County, Alabama
The Lee County Commission met Monday, April 9, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. (C.T.) in the Commission Chambers of the Lee County Courthouse, 215 South 9th Street, Opelika, Alabama, and approved the vacation of right-of-way along the old portion of Lee Road 86 further described below:
Commencing at the a 1 ¼” crimp top iron pin located at a fence corner, said point being the Southwest corner of Section 22, Township 20 North, Range 25 East, Lee County, Alabama, thence North 41°48’16” East, 2926.68 feet to an iron pin set by Alva T. Webb, II PLS 11516 (ATW) at the intersection of the East margin of New Lee Road 086 and the centerline of the portion of Lee Road 086 which is not currently traveled, said point being the Point of Beginning of the South half of the portion of said non-traveled Lee Road 086 to be vacated herein to be described: from this POINT OF BEGINNING, thence along the easterly margin of Lee Road 086 (currently traveled) along a curve to the left of said road on a radius of 638.31 feet, a delta angle of 9°06’28” for an arc distance of 101.47 feet to an iron pin by Alva T. Webb, II for a point; thence leaving the Easterly margin of Lee Road 086 (currently traveled) northeasterly along the not currently traveled portion of Lee Road 086 an arc distance of 69.92 feet along a curve to the left on a radius of 1392.48 feet and a delta angle of 2°52’38” to a found iron pin by T. Richard Fuller; thence non-tangent to said line along the Northerly margin of the untraveled portion of Lee Road 086 North 48°18’06” East, a distance of 550.21 feet to an iron pin by Alva T. Webb located at the intersection of the Northerly margin of the untraveled portion of Lee Road 086 and the Southwesterly margin of U. S. Highway No 280; thence along said margin of U. S. Highway No 280 South 49°08’15” East, a distance of 40.34 feet to a lead-in set by Alva T. Webb II; thence leaving said U.S. Highway and run along the centerline of the not traveled portion of Lee Road 086 South 48°18’06” West, a distance of 555.43 feet to an iron pin set by Alva T. Webb II and the point of beginning of a non-tangent curve; thence southwesterly an arc distance of 166.41 feet along the said curve having a radius of 1432.48 feet and a delta angle of 6°39’21” to the point of beginning, more or less. Said property is located in Section 22, Township 20 North, Range 25 East, Lee County, Alabama and contains 0.61 acres more or less. This Parcel is subject to any easements, right of way, or other restrictions or record that may exist both recorded and unrecorded.
Commencing at the a 1 ¼” crimp top iron pin located at a fence corner, said point being the Southwest corner of Section 22, Township 20 North, Range 25 East, Lee County, Alabama, thence North 41°48’16” East, 2926.68 feet to an iron pin set by Alva T. Webb, II PLS 11516 (ATW) at the intersection of the East margin of New Lee Road 086 and the centerline of the portion of Lee Road 086 which is not currently traveled, said point being the Point of Beginning of the South half of the portion of said non-traveled Lee Road 086 to be vacated herein to be described: from this POINT OF BEGINNING, thence North along the centerline of the portion of Lee Road 086 which is not currently traveled along a curve to the left having a radius of 1432.48 feet and a central angle of 6°39’21” and being subtended by a chord which bears North 51°38’06” East 166.32 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve, a distance of 166.41 feet to an iron pin (ATW); thence non-tangent from said curve continue along the centerline of the untraveled portion of Lee Road 086 North 48°18’06” East, a distance of 555.43 feet to a lead in at the intersection of the Southwesterly margin of US Highway Number 280 and the centerline of said untraveled Lee Road 086; thence along the Southwesterly margin of said Highway 280 South 49°08’15” East, a distance of 40.34 feet to a found iron pin by Fuller Surveying (CA-0004) to a point at the intersection of Highway 280 and Lee Road 086 (Untraveled); thence along the Southerly margin of said Lee Road 086 South 48°18’06” West, a distance of 560.66 feet to an iron pin (ATW) at the beginning of a curve which is non-tangent to said line; thence southwesterly a distance of 303.61 feet along the curve to the right, having a radius of 1472.48 feet and a central angle of 11°48’50” to a point in the Southerly margin of Lee Road 086; thence along the curve of said southerly margin of said road northeasterly along said curve a distance of 136.95 feet along the arc of said curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 638.31 feet and a central angle of 12°17’34”, said curve subtended with a chord which bears North 40°32’35” East, 136.69 feet to the point of beginning, more or less. Said property is located in Section 22, Township 20 North, Range 25 East, Lee County, Alabama and contains 0.72 acres more or less. This Parcel is subject to any easements, right of way, or other restrictions or record that may exist both recorded and unrecorded.
Legal Run 5/2/2018