WHEREAS, default has been made in the terms of the mortgage executed on the 27th day of November, 2012, by James Wallace Baker and Heather Mechelle Baker, husband and wife, as mortgagors in favor of Hardwood, LLC, an Alabama limited liability company, as mortgagee, as recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Lee County, Alabama, in Mortgage Book No. 3931, at Page No. 694, AND as modified on the 21st day of September, 2016, said modification recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Lee County, Alabama in Mortgage Book No. 4254, at Page No. 93, and said default continuing, the  mortgagee, under power of sale contained in said mortgage will sell at auction for cash to the highest bidder on the steps of the Lee County Courthouse in Opelika, Alabama on Friday, the 31st day of March, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, the following described real estate embraced in said mortgage, situated in Lee County, Alabama, to-wit:
Lot 3, LOWER ACRES ESTATES SUBDIVISION, being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commence at the Southwest corner of Section 8,Township 17 North, Range 27 East, Lee County, Alabama; run thence North 88° 50’ 49” East for a distance of 845.92 feet; run thence North 01°09’11”West for a Distance of 40.00 feet to a point on the North margin of Lee Road 039 and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land herein described and conveyed; from said point of beginning, continue thence North 01° 09’11’ West for a distance of 200.00 feet; run thence North 88°50’49” East for a distance of 120.00 feet; run thence South 01° 09’ 11” East for a distance of 200.00 feet to a point of the North margin of the aforesaid Lee Road 039; run thence South 88° 50’ 49” West along said margin for a distance of 120.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.551 acres+.
ALSO: One (1) 1998 Chandleleur Manufactured Home VIN CH1A17212.
Said sale is made for the purpose of foreclosing of said mortgage, paying the mortgage debt, the costs and expenses of foreclosure, including a reasonable attorney’s fee.
Mortgagee reserves the right to bid on the subject property.  Said mortgage is a first mortgage and is not junior to another mortgage of record. Said sale is also subject to unpaid taxes or assessments whether of record or not.
Hardwood, LLC, An Alabama limited liability company
J. Brandon Rice
Attorney for Mortgagee
830 Avenue A, Suite A  Opelika, AL 36801
Legal run 3/1/17, 3/8/17 & 3/15/17