Special to the
Opelika Observer
Congressman Mike Rogers reminds any graduating high school seniors for 2019 interested in receiving a Congressional nomination to attend one of the U.S. Service Academies to complete an application, which is available at http://mikerogers.house.gov/constituent-services/academy-nominations, and mail it to one of his district offices soon.
To be considered for a nomination for appointment to any of the service academies, including the U.S. Military Academy, the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy and the Merchant Marines Academy, seniors must complete Rogers’ application material and mail the completed packets to one of Rogers’ district offices. The applications can be sent to:
Congressman Mike Rogers Congressman Mike Rogers
Attn: Service Academy Application Attn: Service Academy Application
1129 Noble St., Suite 104
701 Ave. A, Suite 300
Anniston, AL 36201 Opelika, AL 36801
The deadline for receipt of these applications is Dec. 15.
Please visit www.mikerogers.house.gov/constituent-services/academy-nominations with any questions, or call Rogers’ Washington, D.C. office at 202-225-3261.
Congressman Mike Rogers announced today that the deadline for applying for summer internships in his offices will be Feb. 15, 2019.
The internship program is designed to offer select college students a hands-on opportunity to learn about the legislative process, as well as the day-to-day operations of a Congressional office.
To be considered for an internship, students must submit a current resume, cover letter and short writing sample to the Congressman’s intern coordinator. Please visit https://mikerogers.house.gov/constituent-services/internships for more information, or call Rogers’ Washington, D.C. office at 202225.3261.