What better way to complete or jumpstart your career profile and make it stand out from the crowd of job applications?

Contributed by Dream Mentorship

Dream Mentorship is sponsoring a community headshot event at Elisabeth Boutique in Auburn on March 20, 2021. The purpose of the event is to give women an opportunity to have their photos professionally taken, regardless of if they are used for revamping business cards, career profiles or to stand out on job applications. Food and beverages will be provided, as well as giveaways from leading brands in the cosmetic industry for those attending.

“In summer of 2018, God put it on my heart to mentor young women in the Auburn area,” said the founder of the Dream Mentorship, Mac Jane Crayton. “I never want to see a woman not living her best life because she doesn’t have access to resources, mentoring or tools.”

Dream Mentorship was founded in 2018 as a faith-based non-profit organization for women by women. The organization provides women with the resources, strategies and tools they need to pursue their dreams with confidence and clarity, regardless of whether that is working in a 9-5 job or starting their own business.

Dream Mentorship accomplishes this and more through the various resources they provide through mentoring programs, networking opportunities and webinars.

Dream Mentorship’s team members take mentoring seriously because they believe every dream is valid.

“We are about equipping women with the right resources, tools and strategies to live life to the fullest,” Crayton said. “Every woman needs a village of other women cheering her on, and that is why we are building this village. We are here to help you discover your purpose, thrive in your calling and live your dream because your dream is valid.”