Opinions Articles

Alabama’s Historic Grocery Tax Cut Goes Into Effect,
But More Work Remains To Finish The Job

BY LT. GOV. WILL AINSWORTH OPINION —Alabamians are feeling a bit of relief at the grocery store checkout lines as a result of the tax cut on food that a coalition of conservative lawmakers and I pushed through the Legislature during the 2023 regular session.Beginning...

Ivey Objects to Promoting Students Under Literacy Act 

CONTRIBUTED BYALABAMA GOV. KAY IVEY  OPINION — As Alabama students are beginning the new school year, there is already discussion on the promotion policy included in the Alabama Literacy Act that takes effect this year. There is no life skill more vital than...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Questions for the Commission

OPINION — I’ve raised questions with the Lee County Commission in person, as well as via email, and have yet to receive any responses. The people elected seem to be comfortable with not speaking with the public as shown by their lack of communication with their...

Supreme Court Decision Exposes Alabama’s Historic Voter Suppression, Highlights Ongoing Efforts to Limit Voter Participation

CONTRIBUTED BY LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF ALABAMA ALABAMA — The recent landmark Supreme Court decision addressing racial gerrymandering has brought Alabama's historic voter suppression practices to the forefront. The ruling not only exposed contemporary issues related to...

Letter to the Editor

OPINION — The news therapist will see you now …. Given my background in journalism, it may seem blasphemous for me, of all people, to advise folks...

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Letter to the Editor

OPINION —  On Nov. 8, the citizens of Alabama will have the opportunity to ratify a new Constitution for Alabama — the Alabama Constitution of...

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