Bruce Green Articles

A Taste of Grace | Nov. 7, 2024

From groaning to glory, part two OPINION — Last week we saw that Paul told the disciples at Rome they were headed for glory through the resurrection of their bodies. While many people immediately see the grandeur in this, others are not quite so sure.I remember an...

A Taste of Grace | Oct. 24, 2024

What is God saying to us?OPINION — We’re doing a study of Luke’s gospel on Wednesday nights. Our goal is to interact with the text in such a way that it results in us gaining a clear sense of how God is using it to speak to us today. Of course, this should be the goal...

A Taste of Grace | Oct. 31, 2024

From groaning to glory, part one OPINION — Romans 8:18-25 is one of the lesser-known passages in Paul’s letter to the disciples at Rome. But lesser-known doesn’t mean lesser value and we’ll see he had some profound things to say in this passage. Let’s begin with some...

A Taste of Grace | Oct. 17, 2024

Embracing Your Interruptions OPINION — A young man and woman were in love and wanted to get married. The young man asked her father for his blessing. The man told him, “Before I can give you my blessing, you have to pass the test.” The young man wanted to know, “What...
A mailbox, a note and a good neighbor

Broken but blessed

OPINION — I worked as a lifeguard for a couple of summers when I was growing up. I got the job even though at the time, I hadn’t taken the course...

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A mailbox, a note and a good neighbor

Happily ever laughter

OPINION — Abraham was 75 years old when he left Haran for Canaan (Genesis 12:4). God told him He would give Canaan “to your offspring” (v. 7), so he...

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A mailbox, a note and a good neighbor

Tents, altars and sacred space

OPINION — Even though the land of Canaan would be given to his descendants, when Abraham sojourned there he and Sarah didn’t live in the best house...

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A mailbox, a note and a good neighbor

The One who holds the stars

BY BRUCE GREEN The opening picture of Jesus in the book of Revelation is a breath taking one. It’s not the Jesus we’re used to seeing in paintings...

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A mailbox, a note and a good neighbor

Calling all fathers!

BY BRUCE GREEN Paul Simmons is the head football coach at Harding University. In December of last year, they won their first ever Division II...

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Gawking or growing?

Gawking or growing?

BY BRUCE GREEN OPINION — I came across a story — perhaps it was more of a parable — you decide for yourself. It was about two girls in their early...

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Gawking or growing?

The walk of life, part four

OPINION — Over the last three weeks, we’ve looked at Paul’s instructions from Ephesians on how we are to walk as disciples of Jesus. We’ve learned...

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Gawking or growing?

The walk of life, part three

BY BRUCE GREEN OPINION — Paul has more to say about the disciples’ walk in Ephesians 5. We are to “walk in the way of love” (v. 2). Love has a way...

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