Ann Cipperly Articles

A Part of Opelika’s History: The Renfro House

By Ann CipperlyFor The Observer OPELIKA — Standing stately as a reminder of early history in Opelika and East Alabama, the Renfro House has survived tornadoes and hurricanes that destroyed the oak, pine and pecan trees that once stood on the grounds. The house remains...

Eddie Smith Shares Thoughts On Being A Father, Grandfather

By Ann Cipperly As Father’s Day approaches, Eddie Smith gives his thoughts on being a father and grandfather. While he has dealt with health challenges over the years, Eddie has been determined they would never prevent him from being the best father and husband to his...

Enliven Summer Meals with a Variety of Seafood Dishes

By Ann Cipperly June has always been one of my favorite months. Growing up in Opelika, June was a time to pick blackberries and plums on dusty country roads, to chase June bugs, gather eggs at the chicken house and help shell peas under the shade of a Chinaberry tree....

Winners Announced In 47th Annual Heritage Cooking Contest

By Ann Cipperly On a recent sunny afternoon at the Mount Olive Primitive Baptist Church on Society Hill Road, participants in the 47th annual Heritage Cooking Contest were busy adding last minute touches to their dishes for judging. This year, recipes for meat sliders...