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Classroom Observer | Making children feel loved


Beth Pinyerd



As an early childhood teacher it is my heartfelt desire for children to know just how special they are. I want them to experience how much they are loved by their families, friends and this community.
How can we make our children feel they are loved and cherished?

  1. We have true gifts of life in our hands of teaching and guiding in our hands of responsibility. Expressing unconditional love to your children expresses love, peace, security, acceptance and confidence. Assess your young child’s needs and meet these needs with spending uninterrupted time with your child in listening and interacting as well as playing with your children. Children may not remember the exact words you said to them but they remember how you made them feel in encouraging their young lives!
  2. Children love when parents and teachers to praise and give them a pat on the back of encouragement, stickers, when they do crafts and color sheets. If you can’t quite make out what their art work with scribbling or a lot of wet glue, still rave a lot of positive comments over this because this is their masterpiece to you. I love to see parents establish a wall at home or even a special place on their refrigerator to hang their childrens’ pictures and artwork.
  3. Children truly love routine. A routine gives them security in what to expect. In the early childhood classroom we start off with centers, then lessons, crafts, snack time. At home you can establish a mealtime, bath and bedtime.
    As Classroom Observer I love to remind my readers of the different events coming up to celebrate each month with their children. Each year I remind everyone of Groundhog Day, which is coming up this Sunday, Feb. 2. The official groundhog lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. His name is Punxsutawney Phil. If the groundhog sees his shadow (the day is bright and sunny) there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If he does not see his shadow (the day is overcast) there will be an early Spring.
    Feb. 5 is celebrated as Weatherman’s Day. One thing children love to do on this day is to be amateur meteorologists. Have your children as young as three look outside and predict what they think the weather will be like that day. This can make for early morning conversational learning and using appropriate thinking skills as children take what they have learned to decide what clothes they need to wear that day.
    As February begins to come in let’s celebrate this month of LOVE with our children. Our community is so fortunate to have many gifts, individuals and associations that offer our children the best. It’s this author’s heart and objective to offer many readers simple ideas to enrich their children’s awareness and appreciation of seasonal favorites as well as understanding how children think.
    One idea that can be used right now is for children to make and create Valentines they can mail to themselves and their families. Children show their creativity as they make old-fashioned valentines out of left over scrap materials, pieces of lace doilies or cut out snow flakes from white paper, add beads, buttons or whatever you have around the house. Let your children glue and make their own designs on their paper or cloth valentines. I love to do this in the classroom but it can also be done as a family time. Help your child/children address envelopes that will come back to them. Let them help you stamp it. Then try to mail it from the post office for them to have a hands on field trip. Not only have you covered a seasonal craft but you have also taught them how to mail a letter. The excitement they receive when their valentines come to them in the mail is one they will remember.
    Love actions speak louder than words. A fun learning activity is to teach children to take on age appropriate home chore responsibilities by making Happy Valentine’s Coupon Books. Coupons can cover chores such as making beds, washing dishes, hugs, etc.
    During the month of February, Heart Shape Jello Jigglers are a healthy snack as well as making heart shape sandwiches.
    As we embark into the month of February in the next few days give your child your heart which includes time well spent with them.
    “God made you to LOVE you!” is what I share with the children I teach. I share this with grownups too. Each day let’s put it on our daily schedule to make someone smile today.

Beth Pinyerd taught in the early childhood classroom for many years. She has a master’s degree in education.

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