The Observer

Inside the Statehouse | Aug. 29, 2024

Lee County Commission allots more ARPA funds


LEE COUNTY — Loachapoka can release that breath it’s been holding in — the Lee County Commission entered into an agreement with Spectrum Southeast LLC for the broadband expansion plan in Loachapoka Monday night.
The American Rescue Plan Act Funded Broadband Expansion Grant Award Phase III is essentially Phase I repeated.
The Lee County Commission previously entered an agreement for the Loachapoka area but Point Broadband backed out and the contract had to be redone with Spectrum.
This grant expansion will allow the covered areas — which is 9.1 miles and 89 households — to have access to broadband, should they choose to sign up.
Through this, the Lee County Commission will be providing over $415,000 from ARPA funds and Spectrum will be providing over $160,000.
“I know this area’s been through a couple iterations of these so we’re excited to get to work and excited to get this project started,” said the Spectrum representative Monday night.
Spectrum said it doesn’t have a completion date for the project available at this time.

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