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A Journey with MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers



In 1986, when my infant son Gus was born and got his first hug at East Alabama Medical Center (EAMC), my husband and I, full of excitement, brought home our baby son. After we got home, we both realized that we did not have a clue how to take care of this new gift of life. I quickly realized, too, that infants do not come to us with a guide. Friends could help me figure out how to take care of our infant son as much as time allowed, but I knew in my heart I needed to be with other young mothers who were also walking the road of being mothers to preschoolers. Immediately, I connected with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) in Opelika to share my questions and concerns on how to take care of my infant son.

As young mothers, we were gently mentored and loved by older mothers on how to mother our children. During the meetings, loving volunteer childcare workers took care of our children. Also, as young mothers, we had a support group like a family we could turn to in times of need. When my husband and I moved to Mobile, Alabama, with no family nearby, our church with early childhood ministries and MOPS became our support family again. Even when we young moms had doctor appointments, sick children or family members, we MOPS mothers stuck together to help each other out because we had no family close by. We helped each other with babysitting, cooking meals, praying for each other and much more. MOPS was this young mother’s lifesaver in learning how to raise a young son and making friends for a lifetime.  

After my son got older, MOPS had meant so much to me as a young mother that as an older mother, I decided it was time to give back to a wonderful Christian organization who had truly packed my parachute physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally to handle the challenges of motherhood.  

Our community is so very blessed here to have an Opelika/Auburn MOPS group call Pepperell Baptist Church — located at 2702 Second Ave. in Opelika — their home as they meet on the first and third Thursday of each month from 9 to 11 a.m. Current needs are met at the meetings with themes, discussion time, question time, refreshment time and craft time. The young children are taught in MOPPETTS along the same themes that their mothers may be covering. Bible and story time are presented, along with crafts and activities, snacks and outside play. We have so much fun. 

This past Thursday, Nov. 10, at 6 p.m. at Pepperell Baptist Church, we had a MOPS Friendsgiving Thanksgiving Dinner where MOPS families and Pepperell Baptist Fellowship came to celebrate families and Thanksgiving. Our pastor, the Rev. Zac Gardner, led us in prayer and blessings. It was such a wonderful time of good food, fellowship, craft time for the church and MOPS. Contact Rachel Elrod at 706-244-5620 or Kaela Sexton at 719-351-8093 for further information about MOPS.

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