The Lee County Commission voted to accept the classification of $10 million of the $32 million America Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds that it has received as revenue replacement funds.
In a final ruling that was released on Jan. 6, the new County Administrator Holly Leverette, was informed that every county in the United States has the option to accept a standard allowance of up to $10 million as revenue replacement funds and by doing so, the commission will have a less restrictions in determining how best to use those funds.
“We asked ‘what are the downfalls [of accepting the standard $10 million allowance as revenue replacement funds]’ in our meeting today and they said that there are none,” Leverette said.
The Lee County Commission also approved the 2022 Rebuild Alabama Act (RAA) Annual Grant Program Application and amending the COVID-19 policies.
Lee County has the opportunity to reapply for funding through the annual Rebuild Alabama Grant program each year.
“With a relatively short time frame to design, let and award the project, the Highway Department would like to apply for funding to resurface approximately 2.64 miles off Lee Road 279,” the city’s e-packet said. “Lee Road 279 was chosen primarily because of its poor condition and traffic count, but also because of previous and other planned improvements to the corridor.”
There is a cap on funding awards of $250,000. If the county is awarded the full amount, it would provide the remaining amount of just over $370,400 for the project.
“In addition, the county will provide all preliminary engineering, construction engineering and inspection and cover the cost of any project overruns,” the e-packet said.
For employees who have tested positive for COVID-19, if they have no symptoms, they can return to work five days following the positive test.
Employees who do have symptoms can return five days after symptoms appeared as long as they have been 24-hour fever free and symptoms are beginning to resolve. These employees will need to wear a mask for five days following their return.
Vaccinated employees that have also received the recommended booster vaccine, are not required to stay out of work due to exposure of COVID-19, but will be required to wear a mask for 10 days when around others.
Other COVID-19 guidelines can be found here:
– The county approved a new technical support position.
– The county approved a bridge Replacement over Saugahatchee Creek on Lee Road 217.
– The county approved Federal Aid Agreements for resurfacing Lee Road 318 & 249.
– The county approved an Adopt-a-Mile Application on Lee Road 79.
– The county approved Andrew Bryan to fill the vacancy on the Beulah Utilities Board and Judy Lockhart to fill a vacancy on the Lee County Parks and Recreation Board.
The next commission meeting will be held on Monday, Jan. 31 at 5 p.m.