The Observer

Biensch Named Commodity Director for ALFA



The Alabama Farmers Federation welcomed Graysen Biensch as its commodity director for Beef, Equine, Hay & Forage, and Sheep & Goat divisions Sept. 20. She will also provide leadership for the Federation’s youth livestock activities.

“I am looking forward to working with and supporting the members of the Alabama Farmers Federation,” said Biensch. “My passion for agriculture is deeply rooted in my upbringing, and I am excited to give back to the industry that has had such an impact in shaping me as an individual.”

Biensch is a native of Sonoita, Arizona, where her family raises Hereford cattle. She attended Blinn College before graduating from Texas Tech University in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in animal science (business concentration) and a minor in agribusiness enterprise management.

At Texas Tech, Biensch was president of the livestock judging team and part of a national championship meat animal evaluation team. She organized and officiated 4-H and FFA livestock judging contests and has experience coordinating jackpot shows. Biensch interned with Rodeo Austin and the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, in addition to Elanco Animal Health.

Most recently, Biensch worked as a strategic sales representative and licensed agent for Pumpkin Pet Insurance by Zoetis, where she managed 1,000-plus accounts and implemented pet insurance across 10 Midwest states.

Federation Governmental & Agricultural Programs Department Director Brian Hardin said Biensch’s enthusiasm for agriculture will serve members well as she monitors policy for her commodity divisions.

“Graysen is ready to put boots on the ground to meet our members, learn about their operations and advocate on their behalf,” Hardin said. “We look forward to seeing Graysen grow in this role as she serves producers and livestock show participants.”

Biensch and her husband Jonah live in Auburn, where he is Auburn University’s new livestock judging program coach. Outside of work, Biensch enjoys spending time with family and friends.

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