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Proclamations, service awards main focus of council meeting

By Michelle Key

Mayor Gary Fuller and the Opelika City Council issued a proclamation to former President Pro-Tem and Councilwoman Patsy Jones and the Lee County Relay For Life Co-Chairs, Randy and Debbie Causey. The proclamation declares the week of April 26-30 as Cancer Doesn’t Take a Holiday Week and April 30 as Relay for Life Day. A Relay For Life drive-thru event will take place on April 30 at the Spencer Cancer Center.

Proclamations were also presented recognizing April 18-24 as National Crime Victims’ Rights Week and to the Knee-High Foundation Inc. recognizing the foundation for its work with the Opelika Dawg Pound.

Also during the meeting, Fuller and several city employees were recognized with service awards as follows:

Opelika Police Department

Jacob Fox – five years

Craig Vickers  – 15 years

Billy Smith – 25 years

Opelika Power Services

Adam Pierce – five years

Opelika Parks and Recreation

Billy Jackson – 10 years

Opelika Fire Department

Michael Patterson – five years

Blake Smith – five years

Lance Caldwell – 10 years

Jonathan Kennedy – 10 years

City of Opelika

Mayor Gary Fuller – 20 years

In other business:

– The council approved a request for a downtown Juneteenth Celebration March on June 18.

– The council voted to approve a request for a retail beer and wine off premise alcohol license for Ganesha G Store LLC DBA G Mart

– The council approved a request for a retail beer and wine off premise alcohol license – Boardem Gaming Cafe, LLC DBA Gear Gaming Opelika

– The council voted to approve a license agreement with Opelika City Schools Board of Education for a fireworks exhibition and display to be held on July 3.

– The council voted to approve a resolution for the submission of five Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety Division grant applications.

– The council approved a proposal submitted by MetLife for certain types of employee insurance coverage.

– The council voted to remove the demolition of 108 Ray Ave. from the table and also voted to approve the resolution for the demolition and removal of debris.

–  The council approved a special appropriation to Opelika Main Street for downtown plaques and outdoor sculpture exhibition for the amount of $1,000.

– The council voted to approve a special appropriation for Opelika High School Annual Project Graduation 2021 for the amount of $1,000.

– The council voted to approve an emergency purchase for a new pump to be installed in the North Industrial Park to service a lift station.

– The council held the first reading of a stormwater ordinance revision to meet new ADEM requirements.

– The council approved the reappointment of Patsy Parker to the Public Park and Recreation Board for a new term ending May 4, 2027.

The next scheduled council meeting is May 4 at 7 p.m.

Meetings are held in the Municipal Court chambers located at 300 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

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