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Youth for Christ Annual Golf Classic Set for June

AU Club Carts. Photo by Kayla Jackson

Contributed By East Alabama Youth For Christ

The W. James Samford, Jr. Foundation will present East Alabama Youth for Christ’s 36th Annual Golf Classic on Monday, June 7 at Auburn University Club. Local businesses and community supporters are encouraged to participate by registering for a sponsorship package. All proceeds from the tournament will go to support East Alabama Youth for Christ. Registrations include lunch, a goody bag and entry for door prizes for each participating golfer. There will also be a hole-in-one contest. A new exciting feature for this year’s tournament is Taste of the Town. All participating golfers can enjoy samples from some of the area’s finest restaurants along the golf course. “About a third of the funding for Youth for Christ comes from this tournament,” said Rusty Sheehan, EAYFC volunteer and participating golfer. “It’s presented by businessmen and local golfers who want to be part of an event that is important in this community and has been important for many years.” For more information about sponsorship levels or to register, visit or contact Bre-A’nna at

Contributed by Kayla Jackson, Jackson Perspectives
Barry Whatley (EAYFC BOD) and Race Cannon from the W. James Samford, Jr. Foundation, presenting sponsor from the EAYFC Golf Classic in 2020.
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