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Samford Community Outreach hosts community event

Contributed to the Opelika Observer

The Samford Community Outreach group partnered with Auburn and Opelika Moms Demand Action for their Inaugural MLK Jr. Beloved Community event on Feb. 20. The event was held at Christian Care Ministries in Opelika. The theme for the event was “building unity and empowering our people in the community”. The goal was to reach out and show love to the community and everyone came together in unity!  Speakers and guests included Opelika councilwoman Erica Baker Norris, Dr. Herbert Denmark from Auburn and Opelika Moms Demand Action members, Opelika fire department Chief Rodger Collier and Opelika police department Community Relation Specialist Allison Duke. Camari Gray and Ja’veah Holloway, read a poem on black history during the event as well.

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