The Observer

Mary Helen Miller to represent Lee County in Distinguished Young Women Program next week

Contributed by Distinguished Young
Women of Lee County

High school senior girls from across Alabama will join together virtually for the Distinguished Young Women of Alabama program to be held Jan. 22 and 23. While traditionally, participants are together in Montgomery, this year for the first time all participants will compete virtually. Participants will compete for in college scholarships and the opportunity to represent the state as the Distinguished Young Woman of AL for 2021. 

Mary Helen Miller, high school senior at Lee Scott Academy, will represent Lee County as the 2021 participant in the competition.  Miller will compete in all categories and for the talent portion playing Canzonetta Op. 19 by Bagriel Pierne on her clarinet.  

The competition will be available at site where the 2021 virtual state program will be held on Jan. 22 and 23.

The young women competing will be evaluated by a panel of five judges in the following categories: Scholastics (25%), Interview (25%), Talent (20%), Fitness (15%), and Self-Expression (15%). The participant selected as the Distinguished Young Woman of AL will advance to the national level at the 63rd Distinguished Young Women National Finals in Mobile, Ala., in June 2021 where she will join with 50 other representatives from across the country in competing for cash scholarships and the opportunity to represent the program as the Distinguished Young Woman of America.

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