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J. W. Darden High School Class of 1968 Scholarship Awards for 2020

Camron Marshall

Contributed by the
DHS Class of 1968

Four students have been awarded academic scholarships of $500.00 each. Throughout this unusual year, in which schools across the nation were shut down, these exceptional grandchildren of 1968 DHS class members continued to excel in their academics. The class is proud to recognize their perseverance and outstanding accomplishments. Each applicant wrote an essay highlighting the positive and negative effects that COVID-19 pandemic had on their 2020 senior year and high school graduation. The recipients are:

Mya Bryant

Mya’ Bryant, Opelika High School, Auburn University Montgomery, Grandparents:  Sallie Heard, Mary Bryant

Dioni Dobbins

Dioni Dobbins, Cosumnes Oaks High School, Sacramento State University (California), Grandparent: Samuel Pearson

Cam’ron Marshall, Opelika High School, Alabama A&M University, Grandparent:  Robert L. Williams

Jaylen Stinson, Opelika High School, Duke University, Grandparents:  Betty Reese, David Stinson

Jaylen Stinson

The scholarship committee members are: Eddie B. Lockhart. Gwendolyn Mitchell, Phyllis Peters, and Delores Turner. Betty Reese is the DHS Class of 1968 President.

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