The Observer

LCLP Ballot Access Resolution

Courtesy of the
Lee Co. Libertarian Party

The Lee County Libertarian Party has voted on a resolution supporting the Libertarian Party of Alabama’s efforts in obtaining ballot access for Jo Jorgenson, the National Libertarian Party’s Presidential Nominee, in an ongoing lawsuit against the Alabama Secretary of State. The resolution reads as follows:

June 9, 2020

Whereas third-party candidates, such as The Libertarian Party, must purchase voter roll copies from the Alabama Secretary of State, despite Republican and Democratic parties receiving them for free; 

Whereas third party candidates are also required to have 51,000 signatures to qualify in Alabama Legislative positions and 5,000 signatures to be placed on the presidential ballot in the general election; 

Whereas the Republican and Democratic parties are not required to gather any signatures and only required to file their documents and pay the filing fee; 

Whereas ballot access laws show a clear discrimination against minor parties and is a form of voter suppression and a violation of the 1st Amendment right to free expression and association and the 14th Amendment right of citizens being equal under the law; 

Whereas the Libertarian Party has filed a lawsuit against the Alabama Secretary of State to gain access to voter lists and the ballot the same way the Republican and Democratic parties do; 

The Lee County Libertarian Party condemns the Alabama Secretary of State’s actions to block third party candidates from being placed on the ballot and fully endorses the ongoing lawsuit to gain ballot access.

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