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Opelika City School Board celebrates 2020 graduates

Photo by Robert Noles/ Opelika Observer

By Natalie Anderson
Staff Reporter 

Last Tuesday, the Opelika City School Board met for their regular meeting and began finalizing graduation procedures for Opelika High School for the improvised graduation ceremony, which was held on May 22. 

To maintain appropriate social distancing guidelines, the graduation ceremony consisted of six sessions with 50 seniors per session. Each senior and up to nine family members would be allowed to process through the ceremony. As seniors walked across the stage, family members watched from the end zone and then each family group were directed to exit the stadium. Sessions started at 8:30 a.m. and continued until 3 p.m.

“I really think for the kids it’s more special than a normal (graduation). A normal one is probably more prompt and circumstance… this is more about the kids and their families,” said Opelika City Schools Superintendent Dr. Mark Neighbors. 

In other business, the board also: 

approved minutes from the previous board meeting 

approved personnel recommendations 

approved the consideration to rescind a paint bid for Opelika Middle School that was previously approved by the board 

approved a lawn care bid for all of Opelika City Schools

approved a boiler bid for Jeter Primary School

considered an adoption of textbooks with this year being Health in PE, the board will review chosen textbook for students and vote during the next meeting and

discussed the financial reports for April 2020. 

The next meeting of the board is tentatively scheduled for June 23 at the OCS Board of Education facility, which is located at 300 Simmons St.

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