The Observer

State RAMP group releases statement on medical cannabis legislation recently filed in Alabama Senate

Special to the
Opelika Observer

On behalf of Alabama Republicans Against Marijuana Prohibition (RAMP), we would like to say to the Alabama Legislature and Cannabis commission – thank you! Thank you for hearing us and thank you for redrafting this bill to make it more viable and appropriate for us. Sen. Tim Melson is a champion for the people of Alabama. He has worked very hard on this bill and we appreciate him very much.
The Compassion Act/SB165 is set for a public hearing for the Alabama Senate Judiciary Committee on Feb. 19 at 8:30 a.m., Room 325, with Sen. Cam Ward chairing the meeting. Every single patient/citizen who has a qualifying medical condition and physician needs to attend and let their concerns be heard.
Change does not come without dedication and work. Please come out and support the bill and support the patients of Alabama that have a right to individualize their health care with their physicians. Let physicians do their job.
The bill can be found on the State of Alabama Legislature website under the bills tab. Type in SB165 to read all 83 pages.
About Alabama RAMP:
Alabama Republicans Against Marijuana Prohibition is a national (with state chapters) nonprofit grassroots organization and caucus that are working diligently to help bring the patients and citizens of Alabama safe access to medical cannabis.
The organization consists of dedicated patients and nonpatient advocates who have put in years of work to see the sick and suffering people of Alabama have an alternative to pharmaceuticals. They are not a registered lobbyist, nor do they have a lobbyist that represents them.
Amid the nation’s opioid crisis, cannabis has been erroneously grouped into the same category as opioids; this correlation is simply not accurate. There are hundreds of studies that scientifically prove the medicinal properties of cannabis. There are many misconceptions about the effects of medical cannabis, one of the biggest being that cannabis is a gateway to other illicit drugs.
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