The Observer

Relay For Life Lee County: Community Strong

Special to the
Opelika Observer

Lee County residents can take pride in a lot of things about our community, especially coming through the devastation over the past year. The same can be said about cancer—its devastation is hard hitting but so is the army of volunteers who raise money and help support those affected.
“The Lee County community has been hit in the mouth a number of times in a year, but what I hope everyone has learned in that hardship is that we as a community have banded together to support each other and rise above the hard times,” said Randy Causey, co-chair of Lee County’s Relay For Life group.
“Cancer is no different, and it takes a community to fight it. It’s why I’m proud to lead a team of volunteers to show what we can do when we team up.”
The next team captain and interest meeting for Relay For Life of Lee County will be Feb. 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the EAMC Education Center, located at 2027 Pepperell Parkway in Opelika.
Monthly meetings allow people to learn about Relay For Life, and gather with team captains to share ideas about how to raise community support efforts. Information about the event itself is also provided and there is a time to reflect and honor those battling cancer.
“Our monthly meetings are important because it helps us focus on our goal and gather together to support each other,” said Debra Causey. She is co-chair of this year’s event and a two-time cancer survivor.
The Relay event is set for April 17, from 6 to 10 p.m. around the courthouse square in downtown Opelika. This year’s theme is “Carnival for a Cure.” It’s a time to honor those who fight cancer daily, remember those who have lost their battle with the disease, and thank the caregivers, donors and others who help in the fight to find a cure.
There are a number ways to support relay: start a team, make a donation and businesses can join in as well. There are a number of sponsorship opportunities for the business community to show their support of those fighting cancer.
For more than 20 years, Lee County residents have raised more than $90,000 each year to fight cancer, and money supports local cancer survivors by providing free rides to treatment and a place to stay during treatment as well as helps fund groundbreaking research at the national level. 
“Fighting cancer is personal, and it’s something almost everyone shares because we all know someone who has been affected by cancer,” said fellow co-chair Debra Causey. “Joining with those who are fighting the disease, whether they have been diagnosed or because a loved one or friend has, brings us together as one group for a cause we can all get behind.
“It’s a great time of fellowship and team spirit, and we invite the public to attend,” she added.
Find out more online at, visiting the group’s Facebook page or by contacting the event’s co-chairs:

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