The Observer

Lee County Voters League elect new officers for 2020

2018-11-06 Election Night

Special to the
Opelika Observer

During the Dec. 2 meeting of the Lee County Voters League, participants voted to fill several positions within the organization. The results for 2020 officers/positions are as follows:
• President – Jeremy Gray
• Vice President – Oscar Penn
• Secretary/Treasurer – Dorothy Stringer
• Membership Chairman – John Harris
• Committee Chairman – Alberta Pink
• Chaplain – Carolyn Morton
The group would like to thank Lindsey Bickerstaff for his successful efforts as League President this last year and extends well wishes for his continuing future efforts to positively impact Lee County.
The group looks forward to further increasing membership ranks, registering voters and promoting voter education/participation with Gray as their new president.
Voters League meetings are traditionally held on the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at Bethesda Baptist Church, which is located at 201 South 4th St. in Opelika.
The Voters League is a non-partisan organization, welcoming all of similar spirit to advance voter education and participation.

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