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Letter to the Editor: New energy present economic opportunities


The following quote is from a news release issued June 26 in Osaka, Japan by The Investor Agenda in conjunction with the beginning of the G-20 meeting of leading governments and central banks.
“Investors from around the globe are urging world government leaders to step up ambition on climate change and enact strong policies by 2020 to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement [on climate change], including phasing out thermal coal power and [phasing in] pricing carbon. 477 investors with $34 trillion (USD) in assets, a record number of signatories, are behind the urgent call-to-action to limit average global temperature rise to no more than 1.5-degrees Celsius [2.7-degrees Fahrenheit].”
We must hope policy makers in Washington, DC and Montgomery, Alabama are listening and will act accordingly. The good news is that switching from fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) to renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal, etc.) presents huge economic opportunities. Time is short; we must get on with the job without more delay. Contact the policy makers who represent you, and urge them to act.
David Newton
Auburn, Alabama

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