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CCOPS, Kiwanians honor local law enforcement officers

By Michelle Key

During Monday night’s meeting of the Lee County Commission the Concerned Citizens Organized for Police Support (CCOPS) group honored local law enforcement.
“This is a very resilient community, because you have been beset by so many tragedies since the last time I was here February. You have done an outstanding job and law enforcement has been at the forefront of everything that has happened in this community,” CCOPS President Jack Galassini said.
Joining with the Kiwanis Clubs of Auburn, Opelika and Lee County, CCOPS hold what they call “Honoring the Best” every quarter. During this ceremony, a law enforcement officer from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, the county sheriff’s office and city municipalities are honored and recognized by their peers for their dedication, hard work and service.
The following officers were recognized during the meeting:
• Senior Trooper Jacob Smith from the state trooper’s office
• Deputy Sheriff Greg Sumner from the Lee County Sheriff’s Department
• Lt. Johnathan Clifton from the Opelika Police Department
• Officer Brandon Keefe Luck from the Auburn Police Department.
“We are very proud of the outstanding job that our area law enforcement does on a day-to-day basis to help keep our community safe. As Kiwanians, we have committed ourselves to help support all facets of of law enforcement on a quarterly basis,” said Opelika Kiwanis President Bob Harris.
In other business, the commission:
• approved the minutes of the May 28 commission meeting
• approved a motion to ratify and approve claims and procurement card transactions from May
• held a discussion on the final round of storm debris removal that is scheduled to begin on June 17 – it is important to note that the debris removal company will make one pass down each road in the affected areas and once all debris that has been placed in the county right of ways has been picked up, that road will be marked as complete. Any additional debris removal will then be the responsibility of the landowners.
• approved “Right of Entry” agreements with Norfolk Southern Railroad, which will allow the county to enter the railroad’s right-of-ways in order to complete road resurfacing on Lee Road 298 and Lee Road 439
• approved a bid for $2,127,700 from Whatley Construction of Opelika for the finish-out of the courtroom at the T.D. Davis Justice Center.
The Lee County Commission meets on the second and last Monday night of every month.
The next meeting is will be held June 24 at 5 p.m. Meetings are held in the Commission Chambers located on the second floor of the new courthouse annex.
Meetings are open to the public and the public is invited to address the commission during the designated citizens communications segment.
Meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the website

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