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Councilwoman Patsy Jones creates ‘Disaster Recovery Fund’ for family member that remains in hospital following March 3 tornadoes

Special to the
Opelika Observer

Councilwoman Patricia “Patsy” Jones has always been a forerunner in aiding citizens in Opelika and surrounding areas in time of need, especially during tragic incidents. She has often been one of the first to set up accounts for the families who have sustained the unfortunate tragedies because she knows there is always a need to be able to rebuild.
This time, Jones has personally encountered a great loss of her cousins in the EF-4 tornado that touched down in Beauregard. The tornado on March 3 killed three members of her family: Mr. Jimmie Lee Jones, Sr. (89), Mrs. Mary Louise Jones (83), Mr. Emmaniel Jones (53). There was so much devastation and the family lost everything. Emmaniel’s brother Benjamin was the sole survivor of the household. While he survived the tornado, he remains in the hospital. The family knows that medical bills can be expensive.
After an outpouring of support from the community, friends, and relatives wanting to help her family, Jones has setup an account at Auburn Bank.
To contact Jones, call 334-559-2214 cell or home 334-745-6656.The account is in the name of BENJAMIN JONES DISASTER RECOVERY FUND. Donations can be made at any of the eight branches of Auburn Bank. All donations should be made to Benjamin Jones Disaster Recovery Fund.
Donations can be made as follows:
• Electronically:
Download Cash App (with green dollar sign): $Benj303
• Mail to:
Benjamin Jones Disaster Recovery Fund
c/o Auburn Bank
1851 Frederick Road
Opelika, AL 36801
• Mail to:
Councilwoman Patricia “Patsy” Jones
1407 Harper Street
Opelika, AL 36801
This fund is setup to help with Benjamin’s recovery and to help him rebuild his way of living. Any amount given is greatly appreciated.
Please keep Benjamin and all other tornado victims and their families in your prayers. May God bless you and thank you so very much for any support you can give.

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