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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Opelika, Alabama will hold a regular meeting and will be conducting public hearings on Tuesday , March 26, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers in the Public Works Administrative
Building located at 700 Fox Trail, Opelika, Alabama. The purpose of the public hearings is to receive public comment on the following:

  1. A public hearing on a request by Blake Rice, authorized representative for East Alabama ENT Properties, LLC, property owner, for preliminary and final plat approval of the East Alabama ENT Properties SD, Resubdivsion of Lots 3 & 4 of Lot 1A of Medical Plaza Subdivision, Second Addition consisting of 3 lots accessed at 1965 1 st Avenue.
  2. A public hearing on a request by Blake Rice, authorized representative for Gulf State Development Group, LLC, property owner, for preliminary and final plat approval of the Eagle Ridge Townhomes SD, Phase 2 subdivision consisting of 16 lots accessed at the intersection of Veterans Parkway & Academy Drive 8115 Highway 29 North.
  3. A public hearing on a request by Arthur R. Nettles, authorized representative for FTC Investments, LLC, property owner, for preliminary and final plat approval of the E.B.B. subdivision, Third Revision of Parcel B, Redivision of Parcel B-3-A of a Redivision of Parcel B-2 of a Revision of Parcel B consisting of 2 lots at 1207 Columbus Parkway.
  4. A public hearing on a request by Joshua L. Howard, authorized representative for Phillip Vernon, property owner, for preliminary and final plat approval of the Buck Ridge subdivision consisting of 2 lots at 2607 Old Columbus Road.
  5. A public hearing on a request by James D. Miller, authorized representative for Loren C & Elouise C. Sutton, property owners, for preliminary and final plat approval of the Sutton on Renfro SD, First Addition subdivision consisting of 4 lots at 1011 Renfro Avenue.
  6. A public hearing on a request by James L. McCrory, authorized representative for Joyce C. Delamar, property owner, for preliminary and final plat approval of the Delamar Orr Avenue subdivision consisting of 1 lot at 204 Orr Avenue.
  7. A public hearing on a re
  8. quest by Harris Gray, LLC, authorized representative for Greater Peace Baptist Church c/o Clifford Jones, property owner, for preliminary and final plat approval of the Greater Peace Baptist Church subdivision consisting of 4 lots at the southeast corner of the intersection of Jeter Avenue & Dover Street.
  1. A public hearing on a request by Nathan McBride, authorized representative for Mike Osman c/o Osman Investments LLC, property owner, for preliminary and final plat approval of the Osman Property Division subdivision consisting of 2 lots at 3385 Lee Road 158.
  2. A public hearing on a request by Arthur R. Nettles, authorized representative for
    Elizabeth Kay Jolly Trust (Gail Longbotham, trustee), property owners, for preliminary plat approval of the Priester SD, Phase 1 subdivision, consisting of 14 lot at 2013 Waverly Parkway.
  3. A public hearing on a request by Bolt Engineering, Inc., authorized representative for WP Properties Opelika, LLC, property owner, for preliminary plat approval of the Pepper Mill Creek subdivision consisting of 47 lots accessed from Lowndes Street.
  4. A request by Blake Rice, authorized representative for Broadview Properties Family, LP, property owner, for final plat approval of The Estates Subdivision, Phase 2, consisting of 53 lots accessed from Hampstead Lane. Tabled at February 26 th PC meeting.
  5. A public hearing on a request by Bolt Engineering, Inc., authorized representative of WP Properties Opelika, LLC, property owner, for conditional use approval for a Multi-family development (Duplexes) located on the east side of Lowndes Street.
  6. A public hearing on a request by Mario Mitchell, authorized representative of Sonny Samnani, property owner, for conditional use approval for a lounge and pool hall at 300 Columbus Parkway, Unit 4.
  7. A public hearing on a request by Amber Kirby, authorized representative of John D. Harris, property owner, for conditional use approval for a body art business (tattoo & piercing) at 100 North 7 th Street.
  8. A public hearing on a request by Beverly Brady (Market Street Properties, LLC), property owner, for conditional use approval for retail sales and a coffee shop with drive-thru at 1801 Market Street.
  9. A public hearing on a request by Stephen Benson, authorized representative of SCALF, LLC, property owner, for conditional use approval for a transitional housing facility “Northridge Project” at 801 Morris Avenue.
  10. An agenda item is included as “Other Business” at the March 26 th Planning Commission meeting: Veterans Commercial Park subdivision, 15 lots, 200 block of Veterans Parkway, Alva T. Webb II, Requesting extension of preliminary plat approval for one year or March 26, 2020.
    All interested persons are invited to attend the meeting/public hearings and be heard. Written comments concerning the above matters may be mailed to the Planning Director at 700 Fox Trail, Opelika, Alabama 36801 at any time prior to the meeting/public hearings and may be further submitted to the Planning Commission at the meeting/public hearings.
    The Planning Commission reserves the right to modify or alter any of the proposed
    amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and to make its recommendations accordingly to the City Council.
    Please contact Lisa McLeod, the City’s ADA Coordinator, at 334-705-5132 at least two
    (2) working days prior to the meeting if you require special accommodations due to a disability.
    Legal Run 03/13/2019
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