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Larry Sankey receives award from Boys and Girls Club of Greater Lee County

2019-02-22 B&G Black History Month Celebration

By Robert Noles

The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lee County held a Black History Month celebration last Friday. The event featured select music by Mikayla Jackson and a dance by the Opelika Dancing Stars. The keynote address was given by Kikki Tucker Thomas, executive director of the Alabama Civil Justice Foundation.
Thomas gave a history of the journey of from the bottom of slave ships to the American shore and along the road that out ancestries have made to get to the point we have today. She spoke of the contribution that African Americans have made during the years and encouraged each person to make a contribution.
“The past has been made but your time is now. It is your time is now to help and to stand up and a contribution,” Thomas said. The past has been made and your own history is to be made now.”
Special awards were given out by Wanda Lewis, club CEO and president and Daniel E Davis, Potter-Daniel Unit Director. Larry Sankey was the recipient of the first “Larry Sankey Impact for Youth Award” for his contributions to the group during the last 29 years.
The Great Futures Award was also given out to Selena Daniel, Mary Ann Potter, Frazelma Lynn, Laura Fuller and Rev. Clifford Jones in recognition of their contributions to engage, inspire and empower Boys & Girls club youth. Several government officials were present on that evening. This will become an annual event to celebrate Black History Month.
For more information on how to support or volunteer, contact Daniel Davis at 334-745-2582.
Turn to B14 for more photos from the event.

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