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Oscar Mayer Weinermobile rolled into Opelika last Thursday night

Photo by Robert Noles/Opelika Observer

By Robert Noles

Opelika native George Brown’s winning submission for an Oscar Meyer contest resulted in a visit from the company’s mascot, the “Weinermobile,” which came to downtown Opelika last Thursday evening.
As the contest’s winner, George won a year of hotdogs and a chance to drive the Weinermobile for one hour. Instead of keeping it to himself, George wanted to share the experience with the Opelika community. A large crowd turned out to view and go inside the Weinermobile on South Railroad Avenue. Those that did were given a “Weinermobile” whistle The Weinermobile was driven by the Southeastern eam of “Hot Doggers,” Josie Balderrama and Connor O’Neal.
The company is based in Madison, Wisconsin.

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