The Observer

Lee County employees receive certificate in county administration

Special to the
Opelika Observer

Lee County’s Human Resources/Safety Manager Erica Norris and Accounts Payable Representative Belinda Smith have each been presented with a Certificate in County Administration by the Association of County Commissions of Alabama (ACCA). The certifications were granted in August at the Association’s 90th Annual Convention.
“We’re so proud of Erica, Belinda and the county employees across Alabama who have demonstrated their commitment to becoming better public servants by participating in this continuing education program,” said ACCA Executive Director Sonny Brasfield. “This is a proven program that requires participants to do more than simply show up for class. It involves a tremendous amount of dedication to making local government services better for our state’s residents.”
To receive a Certificate in County Administration, administrative personnel approved to participate in the program must complete 60 hours of course work.
The Association of County Commissions of Alabama is a statewide organization speaking for all 67 counties with one voice.
It promotes improved county government services in Alabama, offers educational programs for county officials and their staff members, administers insurance programs for county governments and employees, offers legal advice, and represents the interests of county government before state and federal organizations and agencies.
Pictured are Norris and Roger Rendleman. Smith was not in attendance.

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