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Women’s Hope celebrates 35 years of saving lives in Lee County

By Michelle Key

The Women’s Hope Clinic celebrated 35 years at their annual fall fundraising banquet Aug. 28. The event was held at the Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center. Former executive director Kirk Walden was the featured speaker.
Women’s Hope began in 1983 as a way of helping women facing unplanned or crisis pregnancies. Founders Janet and Tom Wadsworth started the service under the name “Sav-A-Life Auburn/Opelika.” The clinic was one of the first pregnancy resource centers in the country to become a certified medical clinic.
Executive Director Daria Monroe stated that the next big thing for the clinic is to become licensed as an adoption agency. “I would like to see us receive our licensing because that is one more obstacle that is removed in our helping our clients.” Once licensed as an adoption agency, the center will be able to directly assist the women that wish to explore that option, instead of having to send them to other organizations.
“We will also be starting a pregnancy loss group and a mentoring program for high school aged girls,” Monroe said. “These girls will have a place where they can come and talk and to be transparent without judgement or pressure.”
Walden spoke of the his hope for the ministry. “I am very excited about the adoption ministry opening up. I think if people consider the pros and cons of adoption, that more people will choose that option. It is not for everyone of course, but I do think that it is often overlooked as an option.”
This is the organization’s largest fundraiser each year, and they hope the total raised will provide the funds needed to move forward with becoming a licensed adoption agency as well as meet other needs such as new ultrasound equipment. To donate, visit

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