The Observer


The composition of the gavel, statuette of goddess of justice Themis - with scales of justice, legal codes, stamps and pen. Law concept

The City Council of the City of Opelika will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, January 16, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 204 S. 7th Street, Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, to consider the adoption of an ordinance to amend the text of the Ordinance Number 124-91, entitled “Zoning Ordinance of the City of Opelika”, adopted on September 17, 1991. The proposed Ordinance primarily affects the gateway corridor overlay districts. The Zoning Ordinance currently provides for one category of said districts entitled “Gateway Corridor District (GC)”. The proposed Ordinance provides for two categories or subdivisions entitled “Gateway Corridor Primary Overlay District (GC-P)” and “Gateway Corridor Secondary Overlay District (GC-S)”, each having specific standards. These standards apply in addition to any other base or overlay zoning district regulations. The Gateway Corridor Overlay districts are supplemental to underlying zoning district. The proposed Ordinance also modifies site plan review requirements and conditional use requirements.
The proposed text revisions generally modify the Zoning Ordinance in the following respects:
(a) Section 2.2, “DEFINITIONS”, shall be amended by adding the definitions of the following words, terms or phrases: “Farm and Craft Market”, “Commercial Greenhouse”, “Horticultural Sales”, “Produce Market”, “Open-Air Market” and “Yard, Side Street”.
(b) The definitions of “Yard, Front” and “Yard, Side” in Section 2.2 shall be amended by substituting new definitions.
(c) Current Section 7.3A,“AREA REQUIREMENTS”, shall be amended and replaced in its entirety with new Section 7.3A, “AREA REQUIREMENTS”, including the matrix table. The area requirements matrix in Section 7.3A shows the minimum lot area, dimensional, setback, impervious surface area, maximum building height and minimum livable floor area requirements imposed on properties in specific zoning districts.
(d) Current Section 7.3B, “USES ALLOWED”, shall be amended and replaced in its entirety with new Section 7.3B, “USES ALLOWED”, including the matrix table. The use matrix shows the uses which are permitted (allowed), conditionally permitted and prohibited (not allowed) in specific zoning districts.
(e) Current Section 7.6, “GATEWAY CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT”, shall be amended and replaced in its entirety with new Section 7.6, “GATEWAY CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT”. Revisions to Section 7.6 shall include
(1) Delete and eliminate the category entitled “Gateway Corridor Overlay District” and substitute two (2) categories or subdivisions entitled “Gateway Corridor Primary Overlay District (GC-P)” and “Gateway Corridor Secondary Overlay District (GC-S)”.
(2) Designate the specific road sections or corridors as “GC-P” and “GC-S”corridors on the Zoning Map.
(3) Define the geographical areas and boundaries of the GC-P and GC-S overlay districts
(4) Adopt new regulations and standards that apply specifically to the GC-P and GC-S overlay districts.
(5) Adopt administrative procedures to review developments in the GC-P and GC-S overlay districts.
(f) Current Section 8.16, “SITE PLAN REVIEW”, shall be amended and replaced in its entirety with new Section 8.16 “SITE PLAN REVIEW”. Site plan review is the process of reviewing documents and drawings required by the Zoning Ordinance to ensure that a proposed land use or activity meets Zoning Ordinance standards. Section 8.16 establishes the site plan review process to be implemented for site plan approval.
(g) Current Section 8.17, “CONDITIONAL USE”, shall be amended and replaced in its entirety with new Section 8.17 “CONDITIONAL USE”. Conditional uses are uses which are not permissible by right in certain zoning districts but which may be allowed through a conditional use permit. The Zoning Ordinance identifies certain land uses which may be allowed upon approval of a conditional use permit. Section 8.17 establishes the criteria, standards and procedures for approval of a conditional use.
Public Notice of this public hearing with insertion of the proposed ordinance was first published on December 13, 2017 in the Opelika Observer. This notice is given pursuant to Section 11-52-78 Code of Alabama (1975).
The City Council reserves the right to amend or alter any of the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance.
All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and be heard. Written comments concerning the above matter may be mailed to the City Clerk at City Hall, P.O. Box 390, Opelika, AL 36803 at any time prior to the public hearing and may be further submitted to the City Council at the meeting and public hearing.
Please contact Lisa McLeod, the City’s ADA Coordinator, at 334-705-5131 at least two (3) working days prior to the meeting if you require special accommodations due to a disability.
THIS NOTICE is given under my hand this the 20th day of December, 2017./s/R. G. Shuman
Legal Run 12/20/2017

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