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School board approves purchases of two buses

By Donna Williamson
Opelika Observer

The Opelika City Schools’ Board of Education gave recognition and a special “thank you” to Timothy J. Moore during the November school board meeting.
According to Superintendent Mark Neighbors, Moore who owns Moore Construction, LLC donated his energy and time to build a pole barn on land being developed for the Career Tech Agribusiness classes. “He, not only built the pole barn, but he also cleared land, pulled down trees, and removed trash,” Neighbors said.
Moore has three children who attend Opelika City schools. “Everybody has to play their part. I like to do my part and participate,” Moore said.
Neighbors also thanked Opelika Power Services for its help in getting electricity to the pole barn. Patsy Parker, board chairman, gave special recognition to Kristen Williams, 12th grade AP government/economics teacher at OHS for her efforts in getting eligible seniors to complete their voter registration forms. According to Parker, approximately 50 seniors were registered to vote. Williams also passed out absentee ballots to teachers and sent voter registration forms home to parents and neighbors.
In other business, the board approved a bid of $213, 350.00 from Transportation South for the purchase of two 84 passenger Type D buses.
Board members also approved a request from Jeff Foster, transportation supervisor, to sell seven vehicles as surplus.

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