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Mayor Gary Fuller proclaims May “Bike” month

Robert Noles/Opelika Observer

By Rebekah Martin
Associate Editor

Opelika Mayor Gary Fuller read a proclamation at last week’s regular city council meeting declaring May 2017 as Bike Month in Opelika. According to the proclamation, creating a bicycling-friendly community has been shown to improve the overall health, well-being and quality of life of citizens, as well as growing the economy of Opelika, attracting tourism dollars, improving traffic safety, reducing pollution, congestion and wear and tear on Opelika’s streets and roads. Fuller, on behalf of the Opelika City Council, encouraged people to get involved in making Opelika a bicycle friendly community.
Fuller also read a proclamation recognizing last Thursday as the National Day of Prayer. More than 150 citizens gathered together at First Baptist Opelika to pray for the community, state and country.
In other business, the council also:
-approved resolutions waiving the fees for the recently approved Lee County Courthouse annex and homes built by Lee County Habitat for Humanity
-approved expense reports from various city departments
-awarded special appropriations to the Lee County Water Festival, Envision Opelika and O Grows Community Garden
-awarded a bid for phase two of the city wide camera system for the Information Technolgy department.
-reappointed Chuck Wacker to the Alabama Municipal Electric Election Committee with the term ending May 31, 2018.

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