The Observer

Commission saves taxpayers $1 million

By Fred Woods

Lee County Commission actions last Monday night relative to redeeming nearly $9 million of Series 2009 Limited Obligation School Warrants on Feb. 18, 2018. will result in an interest savings to Lee County taxpayers of about $1 million. The School Board is paying for the redemption by issuing Series 2016 Capitol Outlay Re-funding Warrants. The savings results from the much lower interest rates on the 2016 Warrants.
In addition to the redemption resolution the county was also required to pass a resolution levying the special one cent county-wide sales tax designated for education and agreeing to levy that tax annually until all Series 2016 warrants are retired.
The commission also discussed a proposal by 360 Recycling, of Lilburn, Ga., to generate electric power from garbage/trash and use the resulting proceeds to finance building of needed county infrastructure such as road paving and resurfacing and recreational facilities. The scheme would require the county to purchase the generated power and then resell it to users such as Alabama Power Company.
In other action the commission also
– formalized an on-going fueling agreement with the Lee-Russell Council of Governments,
-authorized a $222,515 contract with DPS to the nearly nine year old software driven security and monitoring system at the Lee County Detention Center,
-recognized corrections deputies Natasha Simms, Timothy Bonds, Christopher Patrick and Sgt. Sheila Thomas for completing elective, two-year Alabama Jail Training Academy and
-voted to forego the last regular meeting of 2016 which falls on a county holiday (Dec. 26.)

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