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Clock confusion: Daylight Savings ends Nov. 1

By Rebekah Martin
Associate Editor

Daylight Savings Time 2015 will come to an end this weekend.
Clocks will need to be set back an hour Saturday night before bedtime, as the annual event will come to an end Sunday morning at 2 a.m.
Shorter days are ahead, with Sunday’s sunset will be shortly after 5 p.m. Nov. 1.
Here are some fun facts about Daylight Savings Time that many may be unaware of:
-Daylight Savings Time was first thought of by Englishman William Willet in the early 1900s.
-Two states don’t observe Daylight Savings Time: Arizona and Hawaii.
-According to an article on, 27 percent of Americans say the biannual event causes them to be either an hour early or an hour late an appointment.
-Statistics show a 21 percent increase in risk of heart attacks when the time changes.

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