The Observer

BOE approves HOSA trip (4-25-14)

By Donna Williamson

Opelika Observer


The Opelika City Board of Education at Tuesday’s meeting gave approval for Opelika High School’s Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) to participate in the national competition in Orlando, Fla. Ten students and one adviser will attend. “We are very excited about this. The health occupations program has really grown,” said Dr. Mark Neighbors, superintendent.

The board also approved the 8th grade incentive end of the year trip to the Georgia Aquarium, World of Coke, and the Varsity. According to Dr. Brenda Rickett, assistant superintendent, “Students have to earn this right; not everybody goes.”

Rickett discussed the adoption of social studies textbooks for the system’s secondary schools for the upcoming school year. “We feel comfortable with what the teachers have chosen,” she said. The board approved the social studies textbook adoption.

Bob Meadows, board member, asked about the possibility of digital textbooks. Rickett explained that the system is not quite to the point of considering this technology because not all students have access to the Internet at home, and the cost is about the same as printed books.

She added that one problem is being able to monitor the constant revisions.

The board accepted the low bid of $558,881.00 from Standard Roofing of Montgomery partial roof replacement at Opelika High School. “Every area that isn’t new will have work done,” said Kenneth Burton, assistant superintendent.

Neighbors mentioned the possibility of developing an aviation program for students in the near future.

In other business the board:

– Approved personnel recommendations

– Approved the Spirit of the South Marching Band to travel to Orlando, Fla., in March 2015 to perform at Disney World

– Accepted a paint bid for Opelika Middle School for $55,800.00 from TNT of Opelika

– Accepted a copy paper bid for $20,983.20 from Contract Paper Group

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