The Observer

Spring in my step

There is nothing quite like the first signs of spring to make you feel happy and alive. Poets have written it’s praises, we have festivals and celebrations in its honor, even nature can’t hold back its excitement.

I am listening to some very busy birds chatting it up from my front porch. I would love to know what they are talking about; it certainly sounds cheerful. Even my cat and dog are playing together as if they get along all the time.

Funny how here in the South we never know just when to expect spring’s arrival. Some days in the winter we see glimpses into summer, we don’t usually get snow until late winter, sometimes just before the calendar declares its end. Our weather is never so harsh that we have to wear heavy jackets continuously. I remember February afternoons when short sleeves were comfortable. Yet, we look to spring with the same enthusiasm as those who have chosen (or are less fortunate) to live in colder climates.

I think there is something for everybody when spring time rolls around. At the circus, we have been doing some much needed yard work, and in the evenings building tiny fires in our chiminea. I have begun to smell grills around the neighborhood and have noticed runners and walkers taking advantage of the good moving weather.

I remember as a child, my grandmother sitting on her porch in the sun any time the weather permitted. I believe this was one of the reasons she lived 90 years. She would watch everything that went on over on Vernon Avenue. She seemed to enjoy the kids romping through her yard and always had stories about her youth for those of us who would be still and listen. Spring was her favorite time of year; in fact, she liked to remind us that her birthday was the first day of spring and for that she claimed playful responsibility for it’s existence.

We live in a beautiful community. We are blessed with places to get out and enjoy nature; we can all benefit from fresh air and sunshine (filtered of course by sunscreen). Before we know it the heat drives us into air conditioning.

This year I will think before I complain. I will even try my best not to fuss about pollen. Maybe spring will stick around a while.

I hear there is a festival this weekend in the “Monkey Park” celebrating the arrival of spring. It’s called “Garden in the Park.” I always enjoy seeing what my friends have been putting together for this event. It’s not your average arts and crafts festival.

If you are looking for a way to serve your neighbors, “My Jerusalem” is going on Saturday as well; this is an awesome opportunity to get out and help those in our community who are truly in need of a hand. Register at Greater Peace Church, 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. You can find out more at:

No matter what you are doing this weekend, enjoy the warm weather and beauty all around us. Sit on the porch like my grandmama or get out and help someone else. Spring is here. Let’s celebrate!

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