By Anna Riley
For the Opelika

The Opelika City School Board of Education provided an update on the summer feeding school program during its monthly meeting last Tuesday. Nancy Olaveson, child nutrition director and head of the summer feeding program, provided an overview of the success of the program. Provided at Carver Primary School, Jeter Primary School and OHS, they were able to feed 11,932 kids this year, which is 350 more than last year.
They served 400 children on a daily average and have plans to do the same program again next summer. It was also stated that there are 56 new hires in the school system that are preparing for orientation this coming week. In other business, the board:
• approved considerations of personnel recommendations
• approved membership renewal for school superintendents of Alabama (SSA)
• approved the revised 2018-2019 student code of conduct for Opelika city schools.